History of the Conservancy District and 1980's Watershed Plan

History of the Conservancy District

  • First established in 1968 – organized under Section 6101 of the Ohio Revised Code
  • Original Watershed Work Plan authorized in 1984 (referenced as ‘1980 Plan’); includes flood reduction infrastructure throughout the watershed.
  • No formal action came from the original plan
  • Co-sponsored a study in 2003 with NRCS to updated previous flood damage reduction studies within the SFLR watershed, in response to widespread flooding along the SFLR.
  • 2009 NRCS updated the Watershed Work Plan (Draft) – included a regional detention basin along SFLR and a by-pass channel north of I-70; regional detention basin in the Raccoon Creek watershed (Lobdell).
  • Recommended solutions eventually deemed infeasible.
  • Current study will continue in the footsteps of the previous studies, focusing on solutions to be endorsed by ODOT, ODNR, the SWCDs and the communities and property owners within the watershed