The South Licking Watershed Conservancy District will hold a Special Meeting December 13th at 12 pm at the Licking County Soil & Water office followed by the Annual Meeting held at the Licking County Administration Building in the basement at 2 pm. 


The South Licking Watershed Conservancy District is a political subdivision under state of Ohio law.  Conservancy districts form at the initiative of local landowners or communities for various purposes including, solving water management problems, usually flooding and conserving and developing water supplies.


Click on the button below to see why we are so passionate about stormwater, watershed conservation and following floodplain regulations!

Watershed Stakeholders

The South Licking Watershed Conservancy District (SLWCD) watershed stakeholder meeting has occurred. Please click on the link below if you'd like to review a Powerpoint presentation from that meeting. Landowners are encouraged to provide input about what is happening on your properties and in your communities, and contact us if you have questions.

•    Share your concerns via landowner information form at here.  
•    Call 740-670-5330 to request a landowner information form be sent to you.